100 Women in Finance

Industry DEI Award

To celebrate companies that are the leaders in innovation and positive action in the area of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Finance Industry.

EMEA call for submissions is open

The award will be presented at the
100WF 2024 London Gala, March 6, 2024

Deadline for submissions is October 31

A core component of 100 Women in Finance’s mission is to inspire, equip and advocate for a new generation of industry leadership, in which women and men serve as investment professionals and executives, equal in achievement and impact.

In 2019, the Board of 100 Women in Finance (100WF) recognized that the demographics of the industry had changed very little in 20 years. To see any difference in the numbers there would need to be a concerted effort by 100WF, in partnership with the industry to make this change happen. 100WF now operates under a guiding vision, Vision 30/40 which is to see 30% representation of women in senior investment roles and executive committee positions by 2040.

The goal of the 100WF Industry DEI Award is to encourage innovation and positive action in the area of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion within different firms across the industry. We seek to recognize those organizations who are driving forward and shaping the future of women in the finance industry. With the introduction of the 100WF Industry DEI Award in EMEA and the Americas in 2022 at our London and New York galas respectively, and the inclusion of APAC in 2023 —100WF and J.P. Morgan hope to make these organizations’ efforts and positive results more visible to other companies and individuals, inspiring others to be catalysts of change.


  • Eligible firms must be any of /or: assets allocators/owners (LPs), asset managers (GPs), and advisory firms (asset consultants/advisors)
  • Minimum of 50 employees (Americas) / Minimum 30 Employees (APAC)*
  • Minimum of 20% of employees based in the region of the award you are applying for
  • Must complete the company information
  • Must complete quantitative data
  • Qualitative questions in the application are recommended but not required to be completed if not relevant
  • Consent that 100WF can publicly use positive examples of best practice DEI policies and initiatives cited in your application (you may choose for your company to appear anonymous)

*The minimum number of employees at a firm reflects the nature and size of the market in different regions.


Finalists will be notified prior to the relevant regional gala and are encouraged to have senior executives from the firm attend the Award Ceremony in person.

Things to note about this questionnaire

Privacy disclosure
All information that is collected by 100WF will remain private and not be shared with any third parties, or anyone who is not on the selection committee. We use Submittable, a grant application platform to collect and compare data.

Antitrust competitor risk
Anything that is submitted in the application process is to be material that is already publicly available. All initiatives must be currently being executed. Anything that is in the planning stage is inadmissible.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
100WF is an organisation that is focused on the empowerment of women in financial services and initiatives serving this specific group will be seen favourably by the selection committee. However, we do also recognise the importance of initiatives that focus on other specific underrepresented groups and welcome you to include examples about initiatives you are working on to make your workplace more inclusive across the board.

For any questions please contact us.

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